Hotel Acceptably Contemporary Rome Rising
Hotel Acceptably Contemporary, Rome.
Rising 07.45.
Breakfast I…
Computing, now e-flurrying. To Director Nunez & the NAFGC…
yesterday morning, while practising, i found myself looking at a propitious date for The OCG V to come into existence… in conversation with hernan during the afternoon, the Ork had also been giving him a nudge. hernan had been discussing this with alessandro… if the Ork is presenting itself, any arisings or thoughts with you, please? what do you see as needed?
a wave from rome...
17.32 E frenzying. Many arisings, including the latest twists on industry malfeasance. An interesting arising from a rediscovered historic document (an RF letter to Virgin in 1992): the second-tier lawyer at Sanctuary – the one who caused us problems, that led directly to me withdrawing from major musical activity, by blocking our enquiries for 18 months until overridden by his superior - was the same lawyer at Virgin who prejudiced the Sylvian/Fripp record contract.
Lobby call 17.45.
00.12 Soundcheck I…
Production suite I…
Announcements at 20.55. Onstage at 21.00.
A good performance to the largest audience of this series. I made a surprising mistake – and learnt afterwards that it was exactly at the same moment that Alessandro was dealing with a disturbance in the audience.
Crafty Christina F brought small & tasty cakes for afterwards. These went the way of all small & tasty cakes. Perhaps small & tasty cakes are subject to immutable cosmic laws.
Back to e-flurrying.